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Ken L Jones, three poems

Untamed Horses Give Me Special Powers

Back when I was a stow away in the boxcar that could return you to flesh

I enjoyed many an O. Henry story in a bower of piñatas

and undersea treasures were in the aisles of every supermarket

where I would study their comic book spinner racks for hours

poised vicariously on the tip of the tongue of decades that were yet to come.

Tied To Higher Powers

Some days my thoughts can be mined like rich mineral deposits

as they rise up in my head like stained glass windows.

Then I see once again such visions as a gliding swan

who was the god of tricksters on that still and stagnant pond near those ancient olive trees

that had more power than Dorothy’s magic ruby red slippers

and as they disappeared into the singed pit-a-pat of the fog

I felt like one of the richest rulers of the ancient world even though my lunch that day was only hot dogs.

An Archaic Term For

The lover’s beach is as quiet as a sleeping kitten and the hummingbirds that flit among the cactus nearby

do not disturb the fragrant aromas of the orange blossoms, orchids and the lemon grove that dot the highway and perfume the skies

and the exact mechanism by which this occurs has as much in common with warm caramel as anything

else in this world

that would not exist if I didn’t jot it down anew each morning after arising from slumber’s soft cocoon.


Editor's note: A smaller font was used to preserve Jones' line breaks.

Ken L. Jones has been a professionally published writer for nearly forty years. At the beginning of his career he became well-known as a cartoonist and had such work appear at Disney Studios and for the New Kids On The Block singing group. In the last ten years he has concentrated heavily on writing poetry in various genres. He has appeared in Kind Of A Hurricane Press’ many anthologies and blogs. His poems have also appeared in Phil Yeh’s Uncle Jam Magazine, Dual Coast Magazine, Red Ochre Press, Poetry Quarterly, Circle of Light and Tulip Tree Review, Ancient Paths Literary Magazine, and California Quarterly. His most recent achievement was a poetry chap book called Dreams of Somewhere Else published by Prolific Press.

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